Collaborative and
Consistent Approach

Marathon's Leveraged Loan and CLO team utilizes a rigorous, measured, and tactical approach utilizing a bottom-up credit selection process within the senior-secured loan universe.

Marathon has actively invested in the Leveraged Loan and CLO market for over 25 years, with a cohesive approach encouraging collaboration across our distinguished public and private credit teams.


Invested in Leveraged Loans & CLOs


Invested in CLOs Since Inception


CLOs Issued

Established & Successful
Investment Process

With decades of experience in credit selection and alpha creation, Marathon actively manages its Leveraged Loan and CLO Strategies. Our Long-Only Leveraged Loan strategy employs a fundamental, bottom-up credit selection process designed to deliver high income, while minimizing default loss. Our CLO strategy is managed from warehouse to maturity through a carefully selected portfolio by combining our differentiated credit risk investment framework with deep expertise in structured credit to provide attractive debt securities and CLO equity investments utilizing a range of refined skills to identify attractively priced credits, and alpha:

  • Fundamental & Relative Value Analysis
  • Active Asset & Liability Management
  • Portfolio Optimization
  • Primary Market Participation & Trade Execution
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Marathon utilizes our investment specialists at the sector and issuer level across all industries to identify attractively priced loans that offer strong risk-reward with a focus on par creation.

Our portfolio managers and traders have unique sourcing relationships that help us execute our strategy effectively, drive additional upside through active liability management, and generate current cash-flow and capital appreciation while minimizing costs.

Investment Strategies

Bryant Park
Funding CLOs

Marathon's Long-Only, actively-managed strategy with non-recourse, non-mark-to-market financing to deliver a diversified income stream with alpha generated through credit selection within the broadly syndicated loan market informed by rigorous bottom-up, fundamental analysis. Marathon-managed CLOs issued under the Bryant Park Funding shelf offer investors the opportunity to participate in CLO debt or equity tranches according to their risk appetite.

Syndicated Loans

Marathon seeks to generate high income and attractive long-term returns by investing in the more liquid portions of the leveraged loan market. We aim to generate consistent returns from a low-volatility approach that focuses on downside protection, leveraging our strengths in credit research and portfolio construction.


Marathon's significant expertise in portfolio construction enables us to utilize our core strategic principles in offering a Fund of One or Separately Managed Account for customized solutions to fit a variety of investment objectives, preferences, and market environments.

Investment Vehicles

  • Marathon Issued CLOs under Bryant Park Funding Shelf
  • Closed-End CLO Equity Funds
  • Open-End Long-only Senior Loan Funds
  • Fund of One & Separately Managed Account
  • Sub-Advisory

Contact Us

To Contact Marathon's Leveraged Loan and CLO team, please reach out to one of the key contacts below:

For Leveraged Loan & CLO Transactions:

Jonathon Siatkowski
Managing Director - CLO Capital Markets

For Investors:

Jason Friedman
Partner - Global Head of Strategy and
Business Development
jfriedman@marathonfund.com or